All offerings can be done in my office or via Google Meet.

Reiki Sessions

The practice of Reiki involves the transfer of universal life energy from the practitioner’s hands to the recipients body to promote healing and balance. During a Reiki session, the recipient will lie down or sit comfortably, fully clothes, while the practitioner places their hands on or near different parts of the body. The practitioner channels the universal life energy into the recipients body, with the intention of promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Reiki is believed to work by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes, promotion relaxation, reducing stress, and anxiety, and enhancing overall well-being. It is a non-invasive, gentle form of healing that can be used alongside other transition medical treatments to support overall health and wellness.

This can be achieved through in-person or distance reiki. Distance reiki allows the therapist to transmits energy to any location in our world; the results are as powerful. All we do is connect a day and time, I will text you when I begin. I ask for you to be in a calm place, preferably seated or laying down and allowing the energy to come to you. Once completed, we will arrange a time together to discuss anything that came up during the session. I

For all Reiki sessions I will stop about 15 minutes prior to the session ending if you are interested in hearing what came up during your session. Intuitively things come to me while providing Reiki which I enjoy sharing with you. It can entail messages from loved ones, areas of focus for you, or guidance on your path.

30-minute $80

60-minute $125

Spiritual Guidance & Healing

Are you feeling lost, confused, or unsure about the direction of your life? Are you struggling with relationship issues, career decisions, or simply seeking a deeper understanding of yourself and your life path?

Through my intuitive connection with Spirit I can help you uncover what is holding you back and help you feel calm, supported, and empowered to get back on your path.

During these sessions we will spend time diving into what is going on with you through the guidance of Spirit, you may ask questions, focus me on a specific topic, or just wait to hear what comes up in my connection with Spirit. There are times when I am asked to work on your energy to help improve it while we are talking, I will always ask you first if it is okay for me to do this. This helps you to be in a more peaceful state so that information shared can be received.

30-minute $80

60-minute $125

Combo Package

If you are looking to purchase more than one session, check out this combo package deal. You can get 3 sessions lasting 60 minutes for any offerings. This package offers a savings of $50 to you and must be paid in advance and all at once. This combo package has no expiration date, allowing you to cross months, even years if that is what you would like. I make sure that I track all individuals purchasing packages so all you need to do is text me the dates and times you’d like to come in and what offering you are interested in. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to save money while still getting the offerings that you need.

3 sessions each at 60 minute session $325